You're here: ¡TAN!go Flash Mob
The tango traveller
Musicians of tango
¡TAN!go Flash MOB
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Cruising the web on july 30th, 2003 I suddenly came across a "new" thing: "Flash Mob's" - currently the grand hype emerging vom NYC! Realising that now it was the moment for me to make an old dream come true (suddenly appear somewhere on the street with a group of people, emerging from the general crowd, dance ... and disperse again within all the other people) within 30 minutes I decided: "Let's organize a 'Tango Flash Mob'!" And out went the first posting to a tango-mailing-list!
Well, said and posted ... I had to start organizing. Place and time where more or less evident: Nijmegen, The Netherlands, (where else?) during the summer-tango-festival. There would be sufficient crazy enough Cortians to join in as a basis - but also the event was announced via the dutch flashmobbing site: www.dutchmobbing.com. Of course no word about 'dancing' in the first announcement! (check out the PDF-file [32 KB]), also in dutch [28 KB]) and in german [59 KB])).
Then came "the day of the flash"! On august 16th, 2003, 14:58 to 15:30 Central European Summer Time, following the instructions on the first announcement, attending mobbers came to one of the three announced locations to receive further information:
A quarter of an hour later, at 15:18, about 40 people gathered at the specified place: In the middle of the pedestrian area, on saturday afternoon, when the whole area is very populated.
More and more 'frozen dansers' getting into position.
Part of the street is blocked by the 'dansers' ... passing by people not really having a clue what was going on.
As asked to come in style some mobbers really made an effort!
Well, the original idea of a Flash Mob is in it's name: just a flash! But this last couple really enjoyed the pose together ... and stood on for some extra minutes! [they have not known each other before the event ... and of course dispersed immediatly afterwards without a chance to ...]
Attending flash mobbers loved the event. But interestingly enough not only the general tango crowd enjoyed it, also those who just happened to be 'regular mobbers'. And, surprisingly, one couple from nearby town Arnhem who joined in through the dutch mobbing website where actually tango dancers. The circuit closes ... .
Please note: All pictures are copyrighted. Feel free to download them for your private enjoyment. Do not forward them, but send the people to my site. Paper prints could be arranged on personal agreement - feel free to contact me therefore. No reproduction for any commercial purpose without prior agreement!
You're here: ¡TAN!go Flash Mob
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last change: 2003-08-20